Free Mindset Training for Gymnastics Moms 


Thursday, October 12 | NOON OR 7PM EASTERN



Discover the Exact Mindset Method Your Gymnast Needs to Overcome the Fear that is Limiting Her


Inside this free training, you will get the proven four-step mindset method successful gymnasts use for mental mastery when they are dealing with the self-imposed limitation of fear.

This method will enable your gymnast to unlock her true potential and get the skills she needs for season, so she can move to the next level and make the college or national team you know she is capable of. And we will teach you how to support your gymnast in the process.

Don't leave you AND your gymnast without the mental skills you both need to succeed in the most mentally tough sport there is.










What Mom's Are Saying About the Training

Dawn Scheuermann

Level 6/7 Parent

Thank you for this class! I learned new ways to talk to my daughter about some fears she is experiencing. I am interested to see how these new talking points can potentially affect her overcoming the fears and mental blocks she experiences.

I am not a gymnast so it is hard to relate to what she's going through... made more complicated that she is turning 13 soon so I am very aware of the eyerolls you mentioned in the class :). I try to learn what I can and also just listen. This class gave me some good ideas how to communicate.

Erin Peters

Competitive Cheer Mom

I learned that Gymnastics Mindset knows what the heck they’re doing! No more paying & hoping for the best - these ladies put their money where their mouths are! Not only did they teach parents about the mind shift that has to happen to separate what our brains tell us from what’s actually true, they taught parents how to help our girls: What to say, how to approach it, the importance of subtle suggestions. I learned more in this quick intro session than I have in over 4 years of “experts” telling me to trust them, they knew the cure for mental blocks! 🙄

I literally didn’t want the session to end & seriously contemplated whether, if I signed up my daughter immediately, I could binge watch the courses all night.

Jaime Long

X-cel Gold Parent

Thank you for doing this. Knowing my daughter isn’t the only one and I’m not the only mom struggling helps me take a step back and feel better.

Ashley Walker

Level 6 Parent

I really enjoyed the tips on how to engage and talk to my gymnast to get her brain to recognize thought patterns. My daughter and I both found that it was a very helpful session. We appreciated all the information.

Juanita Labuschagne

Level 5 Parent

Stacie is a great presenter. It felt like I had a casual chat with her and there was no pretense. I learned that you can create new paths in your brain. I am excited to use this to change the way I approach my gymnast when she is negative. 

Shannon Dawe

Level 8-10 Coach

I loved how the webinar was delivered. Full of passion and excitement to help the gymnasts improve. I don't think there is ever too much work on training the brain. I believe that this will help me as a coach as well.


One of the biggest mistakes gymnastics moms make is to skip out (or skimp out!) on the mental training their daughter needs to succeed in the most mentally difficult sport in the world.

Every day that your daughter goes to practice she is asking her body to do things that 99.99% of humans will never push themselves to do, things that defy logic and reason.

Your daughter is not trying to overcome illogical fears.

She is throwing herself backward, four feet above the ground, on a 4 inch piece of wood.

And if she misses… the best case scenario is just that it hurts.

Her brain is not crazy for being afraid.

In fact, it is working EXACTLY as it is designed to.

But even though it is natural and understandable, this fear creates an unnecessary limitation.

Because the reality is, she CAN actually do it.

Fear is a self-imposed limitation set in her mind, because her mind doesn’t believe in her actual potential.

If you want your daughter to have the competitive advantage that almost all other gymnasts are missing, then she must learn to train her mind to go beyond those limitations.

And then the body will follow.

But here’s the crazy making problem.

How can she use her mind to go beyond the limitation when it was her mind that put the limitation in place!?

The answer is mental training.

A specialized gymnastics mental training method based on proven behavioral science, but crafted specifically for gymnasts, by people who understand gymnastics.

Without this kind of mental training, you will waste a lot of time and money in the gym, training your gymnast’s body for skills that her mind simply won’t let her do.

And it's not just your daughter who is struggling.

Most gymnastic’s moms don't have the tools they need to support her in this journey either.

That’s why we created this mindset training ESPECIALLY for gymnastics moms.

Inside this free training, you will learn the proven four-step mindset method our gymnasts use for mental mastery when they are dealing with fear of a skill.

And we will teach you how to support your gymnast along the way.

Don't leave you AND your gymnast without the mental skills you both need to succeed in the most mentally tough sport there is.

Register now.

What's Inside the Free Training 

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We take complex behavioral science principles and turn them into simple, easy to understand lessons that will help you understand your gymnasts brain.

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We then give you our 4-step mindset method successful gymnasts use to overcome fear and get their skills. Whether it's the acro series on beam, that release on bars, or adding a twist on vault and floor, this method works.

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We will help you know what to say to help your gymnast and to support her in her journey.


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We come from the world of gymnastics.

Ali Havel was an NCGA All-American gymnast and assistant collegiate coach. She has a Master’s degree in Human Performance. 

Stacie Fletcher is also a former gymnast and club coach. She has spent many years deeply involved in the elite gymnastics world from the media side, including a trip to Rio to cover USA gymnastics in 2016.

We understand the gymnastics world.

We are also certified life coaches from the most successful life coaching school in the world, The Life Coach School.

We have taken these proven and powerful mental cognitive behavioral training tools and combined them with the best of sports psychology to create something entirely new.

Gymnastics Mindset Training that gymnasts use to win at the highest levels AND live happy, healthy lives along the way.

Here's Why We Can Help

We have simple, effective gymnastics specific mindset training tools that incorporate the best from cognitive behavioral theory, sports psychology, life coaching and gymnastics.

Our brains are wired for survival, and this wiring actively works against your gymnast when they are trying to learn a new skill.

But just like understanding they physics of gymnastics allows you to break down a skill into simple steps, understanding how the brain works has allowed us to break down the process of rewiring the brain.



We give gymnasts the tools they need to succeed in the mentally toughest sport in the world.

We understand their world, and teach the most effective gymnastics mindset training method based on proven behavioral science you can be confident in.

Join us to learn the mindset tools your gymnast needs to overcome fear and reach her dreams.

Register Now!