Give Your Gymnast The Mental Tools She Needs to Succeed
In this 10 Day Challenge your gymnast will learn our simple mindset process to train the brain each and every day.
Don't wait until she is so frustrated she is ready to give up or doubting herself even more. Give her the tools and training she needs to slay the toughest sport in the world.
GET THE COURSEThe things your gymnast thinks matter.
The most powerful tool she has at her disposal is her brain. Her thoughts are the starting point for everything she feels, every action she takes and the results she is experiencing in the gym and out on the competition floor.
Your gymnast spends so much time training her body. Hour upon hour strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility and honing skills. But at the end of the day, what drives everything she acutally does is her brain.
So it is as important to spend time daily working intentionally on a powerful and winning mindset. Examining the thought patterns driving her results and rewiring the ones that don't work for her. Your gymnast will get our basic self coaching practice in this 10 day mindset challenge.
Does your gymnast have what it takes to not only train her body, but to train her brain?
Here's How We Can Help
We have simple, effective gymnastics specific mindset training tools that incorporate the best from cognitive behavioral theory, sports psychology, life coaching and gymnastics.
Our brains are wired for survival, and this wiring actively works against your gymnast when they are trying to learn a new skill. And it kicks into high gear when competition season comes.
But just like understanding they physics of gymnastics allows you to break down a skill into simple steps, understanding how the brain works has allowed us to break down the process of rewiring the brain.
We have created simple step-by-step mindset drills, skills and progressions ANY GYMNAST can use to rewire their brain's natural reactions of fear when learning new gymnastics skills.
In this mini-course, your gymnast will learn four simple steps to understand - and then overcome - their fear.
So she can get her upgrades.
Compete at the next level with confidence.
And do this again and again until she reaches her dreams.
What's Inside
We take complex behavioral science principles and turn them into simple, easy to understand lessons that will help your gymnast understand her brain and begin to rewire it.
We break the complex process of dealing with the brain into simple activities your gymnast will use each day to build into a simple mindset training practice.
Your gymnast will learn this simple practice to train her brain through 10 quick lessons that build on each other. Like learning a gymnastics skill one piece at a time, we teach your gymnast in a progression so she can master it.
Ali & Stacie
We come from the world of gymnastics.
Ali Havel was an NCGA All-American gymnast and assistant collegiate coach. She has a Master’s degree in Human Performance. She currently coaches level 8-10 gymnasts in a gym as well as coaches gymnasts of all levels as a mindset coach.
Stacie Fletcher is also a former gymnast and club coach. She has spent many years deeply involved in the elite gymnastics world from the media side.
We understand your world.
We are also certified life coaches from the most successful life coaching school in the world, The Life Coach School.
We have taken these proven and powerful mental health coaching tools and combined them with the best of sports psychology to create something entirely new.
We have brought them to the world of gymnastics because we believe that these tools could change the gymnastics experience for high level gymnasts from the inside out.
We can help our gymnasts win at the highest levels AND live happy, healthy lives.